My easy recipe for sticky toffee pudding is quick and so tasty! I just used the ingredients that I had in my fridge and cupboards, without going to the...
The Cornish Pasties made with the lard are the best. It makes the crust and the rest of the meat pie taste great. Here is the recipe that I grew up with...
The Cornish Pasties made with the lard are the best. It makes the crust and the rest of the meat pie taste great. Here is the recipe that I grew up with...
The Cornish Pasties made with the lard are the best. It makes the crust and the rest of the meat pie taste great. Here is the recipe that I grew up with...
The Cornish Pasties made with the lard are the best. It makes the crust and the rest of the meat pie taste great. Here is the recipe that I grew up with...
This filling recipe is best enjoyed on a cold day. Great served with peas or broccoli and some crusty bread. This dish can also be prepared with cod fillets,...
A quick and easy fruit cake for tea time that tastes best fresh out of the oven. You can use any mixed dried fruit you like, including cherries. [Recipe...
My mom used to make these a lot when I was a child. These were so good that there was nothing like them. I could never eat enough of these, and you will...
Butter tarts are a British staple. These English ones have been in my family long enough that we don't know the origin. They're fantastic with a sweet,...
Butter tarts are a British staple. These English ones have been in my family long enough that we don't know the origin. They're fantastic with a sweet,...
This is just like traditional Christmas pudding, but with less fat. The house smells great all day long. It's wonderful served with rum or cranberry sauce....
This filling recipe is best enjoyed on a cold day. Great served with peas or broccoli and some crusty bread. This dish can also be prepared with cod fillets,...
Dense, moist cake reminiscent of the Victorian dessert, this figgy pudding was the perfect finale to a chestnut-stuffed, Christmas goose dinner. Serve...
Butter tarts are a British staple. These English ones have been in my family long enough that we don't know the origin. They're fantastic with a sweet,...
This is a Cheese Pie that you can uses as a basis for your own variations. You could put a thin layer of pickle on the pie base before filling. Another...
Cinder, or honeycomb, toffee, is a traditional British treat loved by children and grownups alike that can easily be made at home. Store cinder toffee...
Chicken with lavender, bacon and cheese. Everyone appreciates lavender for its scent and flowers, but very few people have tasted it. Its unique flavour...
This filling recipe is best enjoyed on a cold day. Great served with peas or broccoli and some crusty bread. This dish can also be prepared with cod fillets,...
This filling recipe is best enjoyed on a cold day. Great served with peas or broccoli and some crusty bread. This dish can also be prepared with cod fillets,...
This is a compilation of several Shortbread recipes I have from British cookbooks. I have been to England three times and REAL shortbread is a favorite....
Probably the most iconic British cake, a good Victoria sponge should be well-risen, moist, and as light as air. Serve dusted with sifted confectioners'...